Posted by: | October 17, 2011

“Jump Start” – Cellular Health – Heaven’s Smoothie Seed Milk

 Heaven’s Smoothie Seed Milk – Cellular Health Drink :

A powerful resource for Cellular Hydration – Living Water with bio-electricity, enzymes, proteins, water soluble fats,  bio-available organic minerals, and vitamins.

Dr. Hans Eppinger at the First Medical Clinic of the University of Vienna found that living food diets increased the electrical potential between the tissues cells and the capillary cells. He also, showed that the living food increased the absorption of nutrients and increased the release of toxins from the cells.
Most importantly he found that living uncooked foods were the only kind of food that could restore the bio-electrical potential (Life Force – Creation Energy)of the tissues once their potential was  weakened and cellular degeneration had begun. Living foods and living water are the only forms of the two of these that have the ability to “jump start” the sick cells back to health.

There are many choices to choose from when it comes to your water consumption.  Most commonly chosen of the bottled waters are spring water and drinking water.  Of the systems purchased for your house, reverse osmosis is the most popular.  Are these the best choices for your health?  To answer this you must understand the four most powerful types of water and why they are so important in your health and healing. The four most powerful type of water are:

Living water, raw water, distilled water, and reverse osmosis water

Living Water

Living water is what is produced when you juice living plants, like sprouts, which contain bio-electricity, enzymes, bio-available organic minerals and vitamins. The best are:

  • Wheat grass, Barley grass
  • Sunflower greens, Buckwheat greens
  • Fenugreek greens, Broccoli sprouts, Clover sprouts
  • Mung bean sprouts, Adzuki bean sprouts
  • All living sprouts-germinating seeds- plant life has bio electricity if it’s still growing it has “Life Force Energy”that can be tapped into to jump start the cells back to health.
  • Only Living water and living foods can restore a living cell back to health
  • Dead food cannot restore a living cell back to health

Raw Water

Raw water is what is produced when you juice raw organic green vegetables rich in enzymes, bio-available organic minerals and vitamins.  Raw water means that the water no longer has the bio-electrical charge to jump start sick cells back into health like the living water does but the raw water still contains enzymes which is the second most important key (after bio-electricity/energy) in health and healing. The best sources of raw water are juiced:

  • Kale
  • Collards
  • Dandelion
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach

Distilled Water that has been post carbon filtered

This water is the purest water that has no chemicals, toxins, inorganic minerals, heavy metals or sediment. This water is excellent for not only its purity but also for its ability to draw out excessive inorganic minerals, salts, toxins and chemicals.  Take a glass container place it out in the morning sunlight it will have an electrical charge.

If you place raw organic seeds into a glass jar fill it with distilled water let them soak for 12 hours or so, then test the water the water will have all the properties this young germinating developing seedling will need to become a healthy plant.

Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone and one of America’s greatest minds, wrote of the benefits of distilled water and how it prolonged his life. “I have found that distilled water is a sovereign remedy for rheumatism—at least as far as my own case is concerned.  Some years ago doctors could not find anything to relieve me. The attack came just as I was investigating certain subjects relating to the deposits of salts. One was about the deposits of salts in the human body. A well-known scientist had written a book in which he said that old age came from such deposits, and that the ills of advanced years were due to lack of their elimination. This man thought that when such deposits went to the joints, it caused rheumatism. When they went to the kidneys, he had kidney trouble and stones in the urinary organs, and when they lodged in the arteries, they produced what is called hardening of the arteries.  In the same way when such deposits coated the nerves, they produce sciatica.  At the time, I had been studying about the Dead Sea, the Great Salt Lake and other bodies of water that have no outlets. The Dead Sea is one fourth salt and the Great Salt Lake is loaded with salt. It occurred to me that my body was much like the Dead Sea and that it needed plenty of ways to get salt out. I knew that distilled water was pure. I thought that if I drank plenty of it, I might get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it, and it worked like a charm. Within a short time my sciatica left me and I have been free from rheumatism from that day to this. I have kept up my drinking of distilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it.”

 Reverse Osmosis Water

    This is water that has been ultra – filtered to remove chemicals, toxins, and heavy metals. Inorganic minerals are retained which make it less desirable than distilled water.

Inorganic Minerals

Put a drop of water on a glass and let it dry. What you will see is a very small pile of sediment. These are inorganic minerals and heavy metals and cannot be used in your body for the production of healthy cells.

Only organic minerals from plants can be utilized properly. These inorganic minerals and heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum) keep building up in your body because they cannot be removed naturally. Thanks why we have to assist the cells in detoxing / flushing the toxins out at the cellular level.

What happens when they are built up?

They clog up the system just the same way they clog up your water pipes.  What areas do they clog up?

  • Heart – mineral deposits can attach to the heart or its valves causing restriction/blockage of function.
  • Cholesterol – a good oil made by the liver naturally, and vital to a healthy nervous system, normal blood flow. As inorganic minerals attaches to your arterial walls the cholesterol attaches to them and clogs up your arteries that is referred to as “hardening of the arteries”.

Where else do these inorganic minerals and heavy metals build up and what can they cause?

  • Gall bladder – gall stones
  • Kidney – kidney stones
  • Intestines – constipation and colon cancer
  • Lungs – emphysema
  • Veins – varicose
  • Nerves – radiculopathy or radiating nerve pain
  • Joints – arthritis, rheumatism, gout
  • Eyes – glaucoma

Raw living water and foods allows the cells the opportunity to function properly to restore the cells to total health.

* Heaven’s Smoothie Seed Milk  Tastes great!

* It is a Cellular Health Protein Drink

* A  Powerful Source of Living Water with bio-electricity, enzymes,proteins, water soluble fats,  bio-available organic minerals, and vitamins

From own my personal cellular health restoration journey experience,

and now speaking as a “Coach – at the Cellular Level”  I can honestly say,

“Seed Milk was  my  foundation. – My  “Jump Start” to restore my cells back to total health, it saved my life!”

I will always be grateful.

By Carol Wachniak 

Go to   order your copy of Heaven’s Smoothie Seed Milk E-book today

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